Where do you C&C?

Introducing “Where do you C&C?

We love our studio home away from home–however we don’t dance only there!
We will be sharing some of the fun places that we’ve gone out and done some dancing!
Some places are expected, and others are unorthodox, but it’s always fun!!

Lets not stop there though! Join us on FaceBook or Twitter and share “Where do you C&C?” with your very own pictures of your dancing adventures. Be sure to tag us with #CandCBallroomDance

1st Adventure: Need to go to the Grocery Store to pick up a few things? Don’t forget the Salsa dancing located between the wine and the coffee!


2nd Adventure: Lets go do some rock-climbing! Once we’re at the top we can celebrate with a dance!


3rd Adventure: Lets go for a  mountain hike, once we reach the top of the trail we can practice our Promenade!


4th Adventure: Show off your favorite “Picture moment” in front of the Olympic Rings!

5th Adventure: Where better to work on your Swing & Sway than on the playground swing!

6th Adventure:This time our adventures took us all the way to Denver Colorado for a lovely lunge-line on the fountain of the famous Casa Bonita restaurant.

7th Adventure: Lucky number seven takes a duet of two teachers and two teachers doing none other than the promenade step at the Westminster Promenade shopping center!


8th Adventure: After a long day of dancing we should all be able to slide right into a fun time at your local park and maybe do a little more dancing while we’re there!
