Salsa Rueda

Attention San Antonio dancers! Whether you like ballroom dancing, social dancing, Latin country or swing, C & C Ballroom Dance is proud to announce the formation of its first Salsa Rueda.

[Rueda de Casino (Rueda, Casino Rueda, Salsa Rueda) is a particular type of round dancing of Salsa. It was developed in Havana, Cuba in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Pairs of dancers form a circle, with dance moves called out by one person, a caller (or “líder” or “cantante” in Spanish). Many moves have hand signs to complement the calls; these are useful in noisy venues, where spoken calls might not be easily heard. Many moves involve the swapping of partners.

If you are member of our studio entry to these classes are free. If you are not yet a member your first class is free after the first class (if you don’t become a member) is 10$ per class. So come and join the fun! See our schedule section for the exact dates and times